Month: December 2020

Cedar Tree is safe!

The beautiful and anceint cedar tree in Albemarle Gate is safe. Gloucestershire County Council have decided it will not be felled and they will see to the repairs to the nearby houses. A good outcome all round and many thanks are due to those who led the campaign to save it and to all those who supported them.

Last GSV working party of 2020

The last GSV working party of 2020 was on Thursday 17 December. A good turn out and many jobs tackled – from litter picking, putting bark on paths, weeding the rockery, neatening path edges, clearing under trees and, at last, planting shrubs in Bed 38. Three cherry trees (generously donated by Sally Thomas) have also been planted, so the bed should look good all year round – quite a contrast to its previous raggedy appearance. The working party ended at the Central Cross Cafe for coffee and cake (and socially distanced chat), kindly provided by the CBC Green Space team. A good end to what has been a difficult and frustrating year.


The yellow jackets are back again

The Friends of Pittville Green Space volunteers (23 of them despite the cold and damp weather) were back at work on 3 December after the November lockdown. Various tasks were tackled but the most significant one was planting up the rockery after several months delay. The next working party will be on 17 December when it is planned to plant the shrubs in Bed 38 – pictured above.

© Friends of Pittville 2024

Charity Commission Registration number 1146790