Cheltenham Horticultural Society Spring Show

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Date(s) – 7th April 2024
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Cheltenham Horticultural Society Spring Show

This year the event will be held at Pittville School, Albert Road.  This is due to the structural repairs happening at the Pump Room.  The show is on Sunday 7 April 12.30-4pm and admission costs £2.50 per adult with children under 16 free.
There will be stalls selling locally produced plants, cakes, books and cards. Refreshments will also be available.  The Friends of Pittville will have a table at the event so do come along and support us.

If you are available to volunteer to staff the table for no more than a  2 hour time slot (between setting up from 12.00 noon and clearing away till 4.30pm)  then please use the contact form specifying the time that suits you best and leaving your mobile or email details.  Someone will contact you to confirm your slot.