We are pleased to report that we are maintaining an average of twenty volunteers for the working parties, although the number varies each time due to holidays, grandparent duties, aches and pains and work commitments. It is also pleasing that volunteers from several local employers have come along to help – which does makes a difference, especially with the heavier work.
We have carried out our usual jobs of pruning, cleaning and litter picking, but the biggest job has been planting and weeding the rockery around the lake, particularly the east part (the Albert Road end). It looked very nice just after planting, but within three weeks – with the sun and rain – weeds suddenly shot up and covered much of it. Over the last two weeks of the working parties, a large group of volunteers has got many of the weeds out so the rockery plants can be seen again. Now that the cycle track has been completed by the pavilion in the Agg Gardner Recreation Ground, volunteers have finally been able to get in and cut down the brambles and bindweed that completely covered the trees that were planted over seven years ago. They seem to be all right, but it highlights the need for the maintenance of young trees for several years after planting.
We do have a good team but we always welcome new volunteers to come and join us, particularly as we are trying to extend the horticultural features in the park with the garden at the gates, Bed 38, the Samaritan rose bed and the rockery, to make the park more attractive. It is not all hard work as FoP said thank you to their volunteers in National Volunteers Week with coffee and cake at the Central Cross café in the park and after most working parties a group go for a coffee and chat.
Author: Chris Archibald