If you would like to support the Friends of Pittville by making a donation then you can do so using one of the following methods
- by bank transfer to Friends of Pittville at Barclay’s Bank plc, High Street, Cheltenham GL50 1EL, sort code 20-20-15, account number 10154032, with ‘donation’ as the reference; or
- by cheque made out to ‘Friends of Pittville’ and sent to Chairman, Friends of Pittville, 15 Pittville Crescent Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 2RA; or
- by credit or debit card you can simply complete the form below; or
- you can support us by buying tickets in the Cheltenham Lottery. If you buy one or more of these tickets you can nominate Friends of Pittville as your preferred charity and this will mean we receive a percentage of your entry fees every time you play. You can find full details here: https://www.cheltenhamlottery.co.uk/
Thank you!
Donation form