Friends of Pittville Privacy Notice
Friends of Pittville will:
- Comply with the data protection laws of the UK.
- Only collect personal data (name, address, email address) for the purposes of
the administration of FOP and its activities (Green Space Volunteers are asked
to supply additional information for health and safety purposes). - Only contact an individual by email if they have expressly supplied their email
addresses. A member can withdraw that permission at any time by
‘unsubscribing’ or contacting FOP ( - Look after the data securely and notify members immediately if there has been
a data breach. - Allow a member to inspect the data held about them and, if necessary, amend
or delete all or part of the data. - Review data regularly, and when no longer needed for the administration of
FOP, delete and destroy it so that it cannot be accessed in future. - Not pass the data to a third party without the member’s explicit consent to do
Any queries about this notice or the policy should be addressed to
Friends of Pittville Data Processing Policy
FOP follows this policy on the collection and use of members’ data in order to protect their
personal information (in compliance with UK’s data protection legislation).
Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, FOP as a membership
organisation has a legitimate interest in collecting and using this data.
1. When a person joins FOP we request the following information on a membership form
– name and address (essential);
– email address;
– whether the member wishes to Gift Aid their subscription.
2. The information will be used to
– record the details of paid-up members, maintain the mailing list and manage Gift Aid
– contact members with information relevant to FOP’s activities.
3. Only one membership form needs to be completed. In subsequent years, if a
subscription is paid, it will be deemed as renewing membership. Only in cases where
members wish to update their details will it be necessary to complete a new form.
4. FOP will remove all or part of the information held if requested by a member. If a
member misses two annual membership renewals, their data will be deleted and the
membership form destroyed.
5. The information is held securely by the FOP Membership Secretary. Information is
shared with the FOP Treasurer and FOP Secretary. FOP will notify members
immediately if there has been a data protection breach.
6. The information will not be released to another person or organisation without the
express and prior permission of the member. (Note: information is passed to HMRC for
those members who have signed a Gift Aid permission)
7. Under E-privacy regulations, existing members who receive emails already (at May
2018) will continue to receive them. New members will be asked to tick a box on the
form if they consent to being contacted by email. Members can withdraw their consent
at any time by ‘unsubscribing’ or contacting FOP
8. Notices communicated by email will be sent out so that other recipients’ details are
Note: Those joining the Green Space Volunteers will be asked for additional information for
health and safety reasons, but this information is kept in hard copy only by the volunteers’
organiser and does not form part of the main membership information. FOP Trustees share
additional information about themselves for communication purposes.
May 2018