Our report on the visitor experience at the Pump Room

Earlier this year Friends of Pittville set up a Pump Room Action Group whose aim is to improve the visitor experience at Pittville Pump Room.

During August and September the group carried out a survey using mystery shoppers. More than 30 separate visits were undertaken, during which data was collected on the information and facilities available to visitors, and the welcome they received at the Pump Room.  This data has now been analysed and compiled into a report, which you can read here.

We have sent copies to the trustees and Chief Executive of The Cheltenham Trust, urging them to take immediate steps to bring the visitor experience at the Pump Room up to the standards set out in the Trust’s own customer charter, and offering to help with things such as signage, visitor information, website content etc.

The Action Group is preparing a separate presentation on a future vision for the Pump Room and hopes to work with The Cheltenham Trust to develop this.