Message from the Chair | September 2024

Hello everyone, the year is progressing and what summer there has been is now almost behind us as we pass into autumn, ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ as Keats described it in his wonderful poem ‘To Autumn’.

The warm, wet weather of the summer has been challenging for Friends of Pittville Green Space Volunteers as the weeds have grown avidly, requiring extra effort to keep on top of them and keep the park at its best for the enjoyment of the community, which the volunteers have done magnificently.

In the article that follows, Chris Archibald writes about how Pittville Park has again been successful in the Green Flag and Green Heritage Awards. This is in no small part because of the continued efforts of Friends of Pittville and its Green Space Volunteers. Our park covers a large area, and the activities of the Green Space Volunteers are vital to maintaining it in good order. We are always in need of additional assistance, as the work in the park is never-ending, so if you are looking for a new challenge, or feel that you have two or three hours to spare every couple of weeks, or maybe your business or organisation wants to help the community as an ad hoc help-out event, then please visit our website at, where you will find links to information on Green Space Volunteering, the other activities of the organisation, and becoming a member. You will be assured of a warm welcome and your efforts and support will be greatly appreciated.

And finally, a gentle reminder to existing members who pay by standing order: can I please ask you to amend your standing order to reflect the revised annual subscription for the 2024/25 year as detailed in the enclosed membership form. Thank you in anticipation of any support that you may be able to provide, in whatever form that may take, as all involved in FoP give their time and efforts entirely free of charge, and all monies raised go to funding our works within Pittville Park for the benefit of the community. I hope that you can take the time to enjoy Pittville Park this autumn.

Author: David Kay