Volunteer activities in the park

Sensory Garden

It may not look as though much progress has been made on converting the six brick planters near the aviaries into a sensory garden: they are still covered in black matting to kill the weeds. However, the small group of volunteers who have been working on the scheme have been researching planting and talking to local artists.

The aim is to gain the attention of children by making the garden interesting and fun. We intend to include sculpture, cartoon signage and a bug house as well as (we hope) new coloured benches and cycle racks.

Volunteers hut

The hut was erected on 27 September and since then Green Space Volunteers have fitted racking for hand tools and added a bench for a kettle. CBC has added lighting and power sockets. FoP are purchasing some new hand tools and a first aid kit so we will have all we need for our working parties. This will take some pressure off our community ranger, though we hope she will be able to come to most of our working parties.

Green Space Volunteers

We continue to be well supported by our volunteers with attendance close to our average number of around 20. The weather has mainly been very kind to us, as it has in previous years. In the spring we carried out more planting in the east end of the rockery on the north side of the upper lake. After planting there suddenly appeared a vast show of weeds which we had to clear. There is a saying  ‘one year’s weed seeds makes seven years of weeds’ so with the west and east ends of the rockery weeding will keep us busy.

Another important job recently has been raiding the canopies and reducing the height of shrubs in the area between Evesham Road and the boathouse in the west side of the park. This is to let light into the area so that park users feel safe. It is one of the criteria that the park is judged on for the Green Flag award.

As well as litter picking, our regular jobs at the main gates at the end of Pittville Lawn include tidying up and looking after the garden. This is one of several horticultural features in the park that the volunteers maintain.

Although we have a good number of volunteers we do need more to keep on top of the jobs, especially the horticultural features. If you can help, even if it is only occasionally, please come along on the first and third Thursday morning in the month.

Author: Chris Archibald