Category: Projects
Habitat Boards
The Friends of Pittville applied for grant to fund the graphic design and manufacture of lantern style information boards that describe three different habitats in the west side of Pittville Park. The designs for the Lake and Meadow habitats were carried out by a small group of FoP volunteers together with an officer of Cheltenham…
Sensory Garden
In 2024 the Green Space volunteers began a project to convert the raised beds between the play area and the aviaries into a collection of sensory beds designed to appeal and educate children and adults alike. Due for completion by the spring of 2025. The six brick planters between the aviaries and the main children’s…
The restoration of Pittville Pump Room steps
On 20 November 2023, despite some rain, lots of people gathered to attend the opening ceremony of Pittville Pump Room steps, following the restoration carried out by Friends of Pittville, with the help of Snape Contracting Services. The Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, Edward Gillespie, cut the ribbon and unveiled the plaque commemorating the King’s coronation…
Green Flag and Green Heritage status for Pittville Park
Friends of Pittville played a major role in supporting Cheltenham Borough Council’s successful application for Green Flag status and Green Heritage Site accreditation for Pittville Park, which was first awarded in July 2016 and has been again without lapse in subsequent years. The Green Flag award is the benchmark international standard for publicly accessible parks and green…
Landscape Improvements to the Upper Lake
In 2017, Cheltenham Borough Council and Friends of Pittville commissioned Illman Young Landscape Design to advise on improving the landscape between the Upper Lake and Pittville Pump Room. Here are updates on the work done in the area, which has been broken down into the following zones: The Rock Garden The west end of the rockery has…
Coin-operated dispenser for feeding ducks and other wildfowl
Friends of Pittville, in partnership with Cheltenham Borough Council, has installed a coin-operated dispenser on the Upper Lake in Pittville Park. This dispenses food which is suitable for wildfowl such as ducks and swans. The project has been running since March 2015 and was evaluated in January 2017. There have been hiccups along the way…
Improvements to Bed 38
This specific Bed 38 is located in the south west corner of the Long Garden near the junction of Wellington Road and Evesham Road. It is the first sight of the park people get when leaving the the town centre. It was overgrown and contained a yew tree that looked rather sad and neglected. The…
Play area for Pittville Park
In 2016 the Friends of Pittville worked closely with Cheltenham Borough Council to create a new play area and to refurbish the aviaries. The new play area in Pittville Park was officially opened on Sunday 17 July by the Mayor of Cheltenham, Councillor Chris Ryder. FoP helped with the fundraising for the project which meant that…
The Restoration of Pittville Gates
Our project to refurbish Pittville Gates earned a Civic Award from the Cheltenham Civic Society in April 2016. Between 2011 and 2015, Friends of Pittville undertook a project to restore the gates and improve the surrounding area. The restored gates were formally re-opened on 7 April 2015. The project led to the complete restoration of…